About Badesaison

Hi! This is Badesaison – a graphic design studio from Zurich, Switzerland, run by Lukas Ackermann. In close collaboration with our clients, we develop customised, individualised and unexpected solutions. We design classic printed products, such as books, publications, posters and visual identities, as well as interactive and digital web-based applications. Thanks to our extensive network of experts (photographers, illustrators, programmers etc.) we are flexible and open for all kinds of collaborations and challenges. So please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, proposals or wishes! Badesaison was co-founded by Lukas Ackermann, Andreas Spörri & Boris Stoll


We do not offer internships on a regular basis, and will not be able to respond to all requests. Currently we have no open positions.

Fields of work

Concept Development
 Branding & Identity
Editorial & Book Design
Web Design & Prototyping
Printed Matters
Spatial Installations
Signage & Wayfinding
Visual Research

Awards & Features

100 Beste Plakate 24
Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2024
100 Beste Plakate 23
100 Beste Plakate 22
Weltformat Newcomer Award (Jury)
Propädeutikum ZHdK (Talk)
It's Nice That
It's Nice That
KB-Lounge Konstanz (Talk)
Motif by Ucon
28. Bienále Brno
100 Beste Plakate 17
Soirée graphique N°10
Mindsparkle Mag
Printed Pages A/W16
It's Nice That
It's Nice That
Connections #8
100 Beste Plakate 14
«Play», Fotokino
Selected Clients

Atelier Peter Zumthor
Bar 3000
Black Sea Dahu
Büro Krucker
ETH Zürich
Festspiele Zürich
Fête Accomplie
Hochschule Luzern
Maximage Filmproduktion
Metzg Zürich
Museum Strauhof
Operation Libero
Kampus Südpol
Kanton St.Gallen
KPMG Schweiz
Pirlo Magazine
Rote Fabrik Zürich
Sonic Matter Festival
Spitzenhaus Zürich
Stadt Zürich
Südpol Luzern
Superframe Studio
Swiss Foundations
Tamedia / Züritipp
Thomas De Monaco
Toni Piëch Foundation
Visarte Zürich
Who is Nik
WOGG Furniture
Xenix Kino
Zurich Art Space Guide
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Badesaison GmbH © 2024 — MailInstagram